Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tutorial Quest 5: Party and Selling and buying items

This is a continuation of the Tutorial Quest 4. You can see the first part here and the second part here, the third part here and the fourth part here.

1. Tutorial 27 (Look for parties)

Talk to West Guard # 2

2. Tutorial 28 (Look for parties)

Parties help you level up faster. You can create your own, or look for parties in the menu. To look for available parties go to the main menu and select the option  "look for party" on the vertical menu (on the right). You can also use this to promote a party created by you.

3. Tutorial 29 (Auction system)

The Auction system is a method in which you can sell or buy items from other players. All the NPC related to this are on the east side of Lan Forta

To register your items go to the "Register Auction item" NPC 

To buy items you go to the "Auction vending machine".

To cancel the sell / claim your payment go to the "settle Auction item" NPC.

4. Tutorial 30 (Message board)

The message board lets you communicate with other players. You can use it to make friends, ask for help and even trade items. This option is located in the Main menu on the vertical side.

5. Tutorial 31 (Hunting)

Hunt 5 Spores in Chico Choco Forest

This quest is under construction


  1. nice cant wait for the complete quests walkthrough

  2. please update it, i have trouble with quest VS Spore, i cannot find it.
    then i have to abandon it...
    and thanks for the tutorial...
